Friday, June 19, 2015

Planet fitness commercial: post 1

The use of persuasion using B.J. Fogg’s behavioral change can be seen in any  commercial for Planet Fitness.   There are several Planet Fitness commercials that approach the same model.  The artifact in particular to be examined and discussed is Planet Fitness: “Hot” commercial.  The link is as follows:

The motivation is linked to fitness and achieving a more physically fit body.  Most people have ideas of gym culture being tied to muscle-bound “gym rats” and weight lifting obsessions.  Overweight, or even average, but undefined, and skinny people generally have a fear of joining a gym to begin  the desired change in their bodies.  

Planet Fitness creates a non judgmental place.  They create this conditioned experience by enforcing a dress code, not pushing programs and ideals of perfect workout, and shaming those who would be perceived as “lunk-heads”.  Planet Fitness almost seems to encourage a non-interactive situation where a shy person could feel comfortable in working out, thereby giving the motivation to workout at their own pace.  

Triggers: the commercial triggers the response for change in a person by making everyone feel welcomed and not judged at Planet Fitness.  This emotional condition helps trigger their change from within, because no one wants to be judged on the way to the starting line.

The commercial for Planet Fitness demonstrates an uncomfortable, exaggerated, yet possibly typical scenario in a locker room of a competitive gym.  The woman in the commercial is hiding her body with a large towel while overhearing other girls chatting in the locker room about their perfect “hot” bodies.  The commercial demonstrates the needs, emotion, attitudes, and consistency of Fogg's model.  The need is to become more physically fit.  The emotions of people with imperfect bodies are that of fear, shyness, less valued, judged, ashamed, etc.  The attitudes are that to go to a gym to workout, one needs to already have muscle or a nice figure to even attend the gym.  Consistency is the selling point of the commercial; going to Planet Fitness consistently will help you achieve your ideal body without the pressure seen at other gyms.  

In the commercial, the girl has high motivation but then she sees the beach bodies and her self esteem is triggered.  She compares the beach bodies with her own and wonders if it is even possible to attain such a body for herself.  Planet Fitness succeeds in making their point by motivating the average person to continue working out free of judgements.

Planet Fitness makes their clients feel free of judgement  and valued no matter their  size or shape. this gives the clients the motivation for joining even if they have inexperience. after the clients have been going to the gym for awhile they may have increased their ability since they have continued to use the gym on a regular basis.  However, they may be experiencing low motivation because it has become a  routine. in order to achieve high ability and high motivation the client change up the routines for their workout.   this why there ability stay  high as well as their motivation.

The commercial speaks directly to the process premises.  The clients that sign up for the gym are not happy with their body image.  In order to make the behavioral change they want they must first feel comfortable with the gym and see people of similar shape so they do not feel intimidated.  These feelings lead to a positive attitude and reassurance of worth which, in turn, increase their self esteem.  They attain a sense of power to reach their goals.  


  1. Nice identification of motivation. I too would agree that the primary motivation would be that of developing a fit body. I'm not sure what you identified as the abilities? For your abilities I’d add that money as an element in that at the end they provide that you only need $10.00 a month to do so. Trigger point being the needs as identified by you, so I’d say you are spot on all around.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a funny commercial that so many people can relate to! The advertising and marketing people at Planet Fitness sure do understand the use of triggers in their commercials. I agree with you in your interpretation of the various aspects of the commercial and I even had reactions and thoughts of my own gym experience just by reading through your account and not having watched the commercial on Youtube. I had seen the commercial before, but it had been quite some time ago.
    You made a good choice with this as the motivation and triggers are so universal.

  4. Weird to see a commercial that I have seen so many times before but, in such a different way. The short time in this class so far really does make you look at things differently. I think you did a great job relating it to Fogg. Who hasn't had an experience like that with a meathead somewhere.

  5. I think this is my first time watching Planet Fitness commercial, for the past 4 years I haven’t lived with cable! I agree with Bart! They really used the negative expectation to there advantage in this commercial. I’m one of those who refuse to go to the gym due to “hot” atmosphere that I have personally experienced. Planet Fitness won me over through there commercial for sure. I really enjoyed your analysis, great job!

  6. First time I have watched a Planet Fitness ad and this confirms so many stories that I have heard. I agree with you on your triggers and how you connected it to the Fogg model. Very good commercial ad and analysis

  7. There was talking in this commercial???? j/k I have seen this commercial before and like others have said I didn't really relate it to motivation or certain triggers. Clearly there are signs of Foggs methods and it has become more visual through our conversations and seeing things differently in this class. Great post and analysis.
